Welwyn Wilton Katz was born June 7, 1948, in London, Canada, eldest of four children of a registered nurse and a local electronics manufacturer. One of her early homes was an apartment above a shop which later became London's first Children's Bookstore! Apparently her impact in the genre began at a very early age.
Welwyn has one daughter, who earned a B.A from the University of Waterloo in its Honours English Rhetoric and Professional Writing Program; and an M.A. from York University in English Literature. Her daughter is currently pursuing a career in the exciting field of computer game development. Welwyn has a BSc degree in mathematics and a Diploma in Education from the University of Western Ontario. She feels, however, that her most important education has come since she began writing books in 1972. She researches all her novels thoroughly: for setting, historical accuracy, and the potential results of present actions.
Welwyn's husband is retired and she helps him with his composing and playwriting development. One of their favourite pastimes is playing piano and flute duets of popular music.
Welwyn, her daughter and her father on the road to Tintagel, researching for The Third Magic
Welwyn in Muskoka, Ontario, sketching the island that would later turn out to be in her book, Time Ghost
She taught high school math for seven years before turning to writing in 1977. She was editor of the national magazine Canadian Author for two years and has taught high school English part-time at a local private school. She has been writer-in-residence at four different public libraries and numerous schools. She has taught creative writing to over a thousand men and women, some of whom have gone on to be published. Welwyn has received a number of grants and awards. She represented Canada at the Antwerp Book Fair in Belgium in 2001. Welwyn enjoys mystery and fantasy novels; learning about ancient cultures, mythology, Siddha yoga and theology; folklore and herblore; sailing, travel and playing the flute and recorder.
She likes both playing and creating role-playing games, and is a Grand Master player. At one time she co-created a fantasy world which was the setting for many inter-related games that may one day end up becoming a novel.
Alec Martin, Jessie Cann, Kate Goodale, Sam O'Beirn
Hannah State, Aurora Bangarth, Kathleen Kozoriz, Emerald Kushnier, Amber Cantell, Aurora Bangarth, Meredith Katz, Peter Bangarth
Besides writing novels for children and young adults, she has written for magazines and newspapers and in 1992 she won the Short Grain Contest for her adult postcard story "You Can Take Them Back".
She is profiled in several world Who's Who's and The New Arthurian Encyclopedia , as well as Gale, New York's Something About the Author (Regular and Autobiography Series), and Twentieth Century Children's Writers (St. James Press, London, England, 1995). Welwynthoughts about her work are included in, Storymakers: writing children's books: 83 authors talk about their work. Canadian Children's Book Centre, 2000.
While it is not easy to find - you have to enter "Welwyn Wilton Katz" in the search bar and then click on her name when the results pop up - you can learn more about Welwyn on the "Open Books" link here.
Welwyn models new dress spring 2010
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