Welwyn Wilton Katz is the author of many award-winning books for children, including the critically acclaimed False Face (Winner of the International Children's Fiction Contest,) and The Third Magic (Winner of the Governor General's Award). In 1994 she won the prestigious Vicky Metcalf Award for her entire body of work for children and young adults.
This homepage has been designed to let visitors learn more about Welwyn, the books she has written, and some of the comments people have made about them. You can email Welwyn at wwiltonkatz@sentex.net with questions or comments. Any questions that become frequently asked will be replied to on her FAQ page.
If you wish to order any of Welwyn's books directly from the author, please email her business manager (and husband) at this address (which is not a link so as to prevent spam): greg_yarrow (then the 'at' sign) execulink.com.
Also look for a revised website in the near future.
This page was last modified Thursday, June 25, 2009.
f you experience any difficulty reading or accessing any part of this site, please email Greg at the above address.
An Introduction to Welwyn Wilton Katz
Beowulf, 1999
Out of The Dark, 1995
Time Ghost, 1994
Come Like Shadows, 1993
Whalesinger, 1990
The Third Magic, 1988
False Face, 1987
Sun God, Moon Witch , 1985
Witchery Hill, 1984
The Prophecy of Tau Ridoo, 1982
Awards Won by Welwyn Wilton Katz and Her Works
Scholarly Research on Welwyn Wilton Katz and her Works
Links to Pages With Information on Welwyn Wilton Katz and her Works
Professional Reviews of Welwyn's Works
Teachers' Guides to Books By Welwyn
Interviews with Welwyn and Articles Written by Welwyn on Her Books
Readers' Comments on Welwyn's Books
The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Page